2021年3月25日 星期四

Valle Pogonishte ( 波哥尼斯塔 )

Valle Pogonishte

Valle為阿爾巴尼亞語裡舞蹈之意,而Pogonishte也是一種舞蹈的意思, 因此,Valle Pogonishte 即是Pogonishte舞蹈,這類的舞主要流傳於阿爾巴尼亞南方使用Tosks方言的族群。但同時也可發現在希臘也存在這類的舞蹈,希臘稱這類的舞為”Pogonissios”、”Sta Dyo”或是”Dimotika Ipirou”。其原因是,這類的舞發源於阿爾巴尼亞南方與希臘的Epirus(伊庇魯斯)兩國邊境交界處(希臘的Pogoni,阿爾巴尼亞的Pogon),此處主要居住著阿爾巴尼亞人。

這首波哥尼斯塔由Yves Moreau參考傳統舞步編排,使用的音樂為Sami Kallmi演唱的版本,音樂節奏是4/4。舞蹈的節拍為1-234(S Q Q),演奏的主要樂器為黑管。這首歌的希臘語版本是Antonis Remos演唱的Dikopo Fili


Google 英文翻譯

How many times in joy gather

People when they celebrate

Pogonishten prefer dance

Throw the slowly dance

Glasses like an eel (?)

When you cry, a neighborhood shakes

REF: 2x

Tremble shake the handkerchief with delight

Like a beautiful fairy is like me

Beautiful is the dance

When sorkadhja dances

Beautiful hand-to-hand dance

The bride is like a flower

Pogonishtja centuries-old dance

Pogonishte beautiful dance

the whole of Albania dances

A tradition is this from Cameria

REF: 2x

Tremble shake the handkerchief with delight

Like a beautiful fairy is like me

Beautiful is the dance

When sorkadhja dances



Sa here ne gezime mblidhen

Njerezia kur festojne

Pogonishten vallen preferojne

Hidhe vallen mengadale

Syzeza porsi nje ngjale

Kur ti lot kshu dridhet nje mehalle


Dridhe tunde shamine me lezet

Si nje zane e bukur po me ngjet

E bukur eshte vallja

Kur kercen sorkadhja

Valle e bukur dore per dore

Nusja porsi lulebore

Pogonishtja valle shekullore

Pogonishte valle e bukur

e kercen gjithe Shqiperia

Nje tradite eshte kjo nga Cameria


Dridhe tunde shamine me lezet

Si nje zane e bukur po me ngjet

E bukur eshte vallja

Kur kercen sorkadhja



20. Feb. 2021

